Sports Offered at Argyle Middle School

Fall Sports

Softball In montogomery county athletics for middle school play slow pitch softball for both girls and boys. The boys and girls will play on seperete teams but its possible practice together since we only have one field. The boys and girls will be provided with a jersey and a gloves. The season will start 9/3 and end 10/28 You are not required to purchase additional athletic equipment for softball.

Winter Sports

Basketball In montogomery county athletics for middle school, girls and boys basketball will be offered in the winter season. The boys and girls will play on seperate teams. The school will provide the jersey's for the students. You are not required to purchase additional athletic equipment but basketball sneakers are recommened. The season will start 11/10 and last until 2/14.

Spring Sports

Soccer In montogomery county athletics for middle school, girls and boys soccer will be offered in the spring season. The boys and girls will play on seperate teams. The school will provide jersey's for the students. To be allowed to play in the game you will need to purchase shin guards and cleates. The season will start 02/28 and end 4/4.