Musical History

Show this video as an introduction to African American Musical History

African American music has a huge impact on the culuture of music we know today. From the words we use to express ourselve, to the clothes we wear, and the type of food we eat. Just a simple mention of a word in a song will have listeners wanting to see what the artist has experienced. This type of influence has also brought business large and small lots of wealth.

Here is a link that of an informational webpage that dives into African Americans and their influence on American music.

Harold Land on Saxaphone Rapper Irv Da God Richard Havens on guitar Beyoncé


* * *Partner Project* * *

  1. Assign each student a partner and a decade or 2 depending on the size of the group
  2. Have students find a song from their era and do the following.
  3. Musical Decades

  4. After all assignments are turned in, each groups slide show will be put together in an African American Musical Timeline Presentation

* * *Individual Assignment* * *

  1. Assign students a decade from the list above
  2. Students are to create a one page introduction (on paper) of an artist from their assigned era of music

Aretha Franklin Omar Hakim on drums

This webpage was created for the purpose of an assignment for Webster University EDTC 5550