Positive leadership

What is it and how do I do it?

Positive leadership includes creating a positive work environment for team members. Many leaders ask, “How do I do that?” From a high level view, creating a positive environment means letting people know that they are valuable, not for the work they do, but individually who they are and the strengths they bring to the team. As a leader, it is important that we recognize and appreciate each team member regularly.

One way a leader can show they appreciate their team members are to get to know them as people. Everyone has a story. As a leader, showing interest in them for more than what they do on the job is a way of demonstrating positive leadership. The below tool is one way a leader can show they care.

Tools to apply:

Share your story: Learn about your people

  1. Ask a different team member to share his or her story during each weekly management or staff meeting.
  2. Select one of your team members and tell them you’d like to learn more about them.
  3. Ask them if they’d be willing to share three slides during the weekly meeting: A photo of the people who mean the most to them (family, friends, etc.); a map showing where they grew up; and where I want to be in five years.
  4. Give them at least one week to prepare.
  5. Start the meeting with their presentation.

Great benefits: