Reading Survey

Metacomprehension Strategy Index-Schmitt

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Directions: Think about what kinds of things you can do to help you understand a story better before, during and after you read it. Read each of the lists of four statements and decide which one of them would help you the most. There are no right answers. It is just what you think would help the most. Select the letter of the statement you choose.

I. In each set of four, choose the one statement which tells a good thing to do to help you understand a story better before you read it.

1. Before I begin reading, it's a good idea to:

See how many pages are in the story.
Look up all of the big words in the dictionary.
Make some guesses about what I think will happen in the story.
Think about what has happened so far in the story.

2. Before I begin reading, it's a good idea to:

Look at the pictures to see what the story is about.
Decide how long it will take me to read the story.
Sound out the words I don't know.
Check to see if the story is making sense.

3. Before I begin reading, it's a good idea to:

Ask someone to read the story to me.
Read the title to see what the story is about.
Check to see if most of the words have long or short vowels in them.
Check to see if the pictures are in order and make sense.

4. Before I begin reading, it's a good idea to:

Check to see that no pages are missing.
Make a list of the words I'm not sure about.
Use the title and pictures to help me make guesses about what will happen in the story.
Read the last sentence so I will know how the story ends.

5. Before I begin reading, it's a good idea to:

Decide on why I am going to read the story.
Use the difficult words to help me make guesses about what will happen in the story.
Reread some parts to see if I can figure out what is happening if things aren't making sense.
Ask for help with the difficult words.

6. Before I begin reading, it's a good idea to:

Retell all of the main points that have happened so far.
Ask myself questions that I would like to have answered in the story.
Think about the meanings of the words which have more than one meaning.
Look through the story to find all of the words with three or more syllables.

7. Before I begin reading, it's a good idea to:

Check to see if I have read this story before.
Use my questions and guesses as a reason for reading the story.
Make sure I can pronounce all of the words before I start.
Think of a better title for the story.

8. Before I begin reading, it's a good idea to:

Think of what I already know about the things I see in the pictures.
See how many pages are in the story.
Choose the best part of the story to read again.
Read the story aloud to someone.

9. Before I begin reading, it's a good idea to:

Practice reading the story aloud.
Retell all of the main points to make sure I can remember the story.
Think of what the people in the story might be like.
Decide if I have enough time to read the story.

10. Before I begin reading, it's a good idea to:

Check to see if I am understanding the story so far.
Check to see if the words have more than one meaning.
Think about where the story might be taking place.
List all of the important details.

II. In each set of four, choose the one statement which tells a good thing to do to help you understand a story better while you are reading it.

11. While I'm reading, it's a good idea to:

Read the story very slowly so I won't miss any parts.
Read the title to see what the title is about.
Check to see if the pictures have anything missing.
Check to see if the story is making sense by seeing if I can tell what's happened so far.

12. While I'm reading, it's a good idea to:

Stop to retell the main points to see if I am understanding what has happened so far.
Read the story quickly so that I can find out what happened.
Read only the beginning and the end of the story to find out what it is about.
Skip the parts that are too difficult for me.

13. While I'm reading, it's a good idea to:

Look up all of the big words in the dictionary.
Put the book away and find another one if things aren't making sense.
Keep thinking about the title and the pictures to help me decide what is going to happen next.
Keep track of how many pages I have left to read.

14. While I'm reading, it's a good idea to:

Keep track of how long it is taking me to read this story.
Check to see if I can answer any of the questions I asked before I started reading.
Read the title to see what the story is going to be about.
Add the missing details to the pictures.

15. While I'm reading, it's a good idea to:

Have someone read the story aloud to me.
Keep track of how many pages I have read.
List the story's main characters.
Check to see if my guesses are right or wrong.

16. While I'm reading, it's a good idea to:

Check to see that the characters are real.
Make a lot of guesses about what is going to happen next.
Not look at the pictures because they might confuse me.
Read the story aloud to someone.

17. While I'm reading, it's a good idea to:

Try to answer the questions I asked myself.
Try not to confuse what I already know with what I'm reading about.
Read the story silently.
Check to see if I am saying the new vocabulary words correctly.

18. While I'm reading, it's a good idea to:

Try to see if my guesses are going to be right or wrong.
Reread to be sure I haven't missed any of the words.
Decide on why I am reading the story.
List what happened first, second, third, and so on.

19. While I'm reading, it's a good idea to:

See if I can recognize the new vocabulary words.
Be careful not to skip any parts of the story.
Check to see how many of the words I already know.
Keep thinking of what I already know about the things and ideas in the story to help me decide what is going to happen.

20. While I'm reading, it's a good idea to:

Reread some parts or read ahead to see if I can figure out what is happening if things aren't make sense.
Take my time reading so that I can be sure I understand what is happening.
Change the ending so that it makes sense.
Check to see if there are enough pictures to help make the story ideas clear.

III. In each set of four, choose the one statement which tells a good thing to do to help you understand a story better after you have read it.

21. After I've read a story, it's a good idea to:

22. After I've read a story, it's a good idea to:

23. After I've read a story, it's a good idea to:

24. After I've read a story, it's a good idea to:

25. After I've read a story, it's a good idea to:

Please summarize what you feel your strengths are in the reading process.

Please rate how you feel about your reading skills: 1 (low) 5 (highest)

1 2 3 4 5

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