
About the People - Who's Who at Rehoboth

pastorDr. Ivory T. Thigpen, Pastor

firstladyDr. Martia Thigpen, First Lady

adminDeaconess Lisa Willis, Administrator

financialDeaconess Patricia Harris, Business Manager

deaconDeacon Michael Beauford, Deacon Chair

trusteeTrustee Charles Montgomery, Trustee Chair

clerkSister Vivian Tisdale, Church Clerk

CDCdirCDC Director

SRassocReverend Ira Culbreath, Senior Associate (Emeritus)

assocBReverend Mattie Branch, Associate Minister

assocOReverend Otis Outing, Associate Minister

assocTReverend Shirley Thompson, Associate Minister

assocFReverend Yvonne Frederick, Associate Minister

assocAReverend Loretta Able, Associate Minister

assocSReverend Kent Soles, Associate Minister

assocCMinister Bobby Cunningham, Associate Minister

assocMMinister Anita McCarthy, Associate Minister

Rehoboth Baptist Church - Bridging the Gap between the Church and the Community
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