
About the Church - What We Believe

The Five-fold Purpose of the Church

Worship - Hebrews 10:25
to encourage corporate and individual worship and intercession for local, national and worldwide ministries

Discipleship - Matthew 28:18-20
to encourage the study of God's Word and to inspire us to follow Christ through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

Evangelism - Mark 16:15
To equip people to share God's love and the message of the Gospel with family, friends and neighbors.

Missions - Matthew 25:36-40
to encourage involvement in mission projects and intercession, supporting local and overseas missionaries, to meet the specified needs throughout the city and surrounding areas.

Fellowship - 1 John 1:7
to encourage a sense of community through the building of healthy relationships/friendships by the transforming power of Christ.

Statement of Faith

Rehoboth Baptist Church - Bridging the Gap between the Church and the Community
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