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Tools for Compressing (Zipping) Files

When submitting assignments with multiple files, especially when you wish to preserve the paths of image files and links, it is best to compress those files in a zipped file. To compress files, try one of the following options:

Windows: For students with Windows 7 or newer, use the integrated compression tool:

  1. Locate the file or folder that you want to compress.
  2. Right-click the file or folder, point to Send To, and then click Compressed (zipped) folder.
  3. A new compressed folder is created in the exact location. To rename it, right-click the folder, click Rename, and then type the new name. Mac: For students on Macs, use the integrated compression tool: (Compress zip files on MAC.)

Other: For students using an older operating system or different platform, there are a variety of third-party compression tools available. One simple-to-use tool is Links to an external site.) Though you may be prompted to set up an account, you can actually drag/drop the files you wish to compress, then download the zipped file.

Home Page Primary Color Secondary Color Tertiary Color Color Wheel Homework Resources Student Survey