Mr.B's World History Website

DBQ Surveys and Intro quiz

DBQ Evaluation

This evaluation looks at students thoughts on DBQ and if they know the purpose of them. For students to grow by completeing the document based question activities students have to understand why they are important. This Quiz lets me see how students view the DBQ I give in class.

DBQ Evaluation Survey

Critical Thinking Quiz

A big goal I have for my world history class is to promote growth in my students critical thinking skills. Thats a big reason why I am incorporating DBQ's. I want my students to complete this quiz so I can evaluate thier thoughts and opinions on critical thinking. I will use this data to in how I speak on critical thinking and if I need to cover it in great detail and reinforce its purpose.

Critical Thinking Quiz

Peloponnesian War Prior knowledge Quiz

For some topic I like to give out a assessing prior knowledge quiz to assess where my students are so I can be speicifc in what I am teaching. Its important for me to be flexible and to know what needs to be covered in detail due to my students prior knowledge.

Peloponnesian Quiz