Advanced Search

Using these even more advanced search tricks will help make you an expert researcher even faster!



How: Adding intitle: before the search term will help you get only those results which have keyword in the title of the webpage

Example: intitle:hobbit

All of the results will have Hobbit in the title



How: Add a tilde ~ in front of a word to find synonyms: For when you want to search for a specific word and any synonyms for that word

Example: thanksgiving ~inexpensive

The results will include the terms inexpensive, affordable, budget, cheap, budget-friendly



How: Add site: to search a single website: If you want results from one specific website

Example: cookie

The results will only deliver articles from the New York Times that mention cookies. 

Numeric Range   

numeric range

How: Insert two periods .. between numbers to search for a range

Example: Porsche 1950..1955

The results will include images and articles about Porsche's made between 1950 to 1955

Example: president 1940..1950

The results will include images and articles about the presidents between 1940 to 1950



How: There are times when you want to find out who has referenced your blog or article on the web. One way to find all the citations is by using this simple Google search trick.


Typing this URL will return all the pages that are linking to the Huffington Post’s home page. You need to keep in mind that you will get fewer results if the URL is more specific.

# Hashtag


How:Use the # sign when searching for trending topics that use hashtags

Example: #carrot

All of the results will have the hashtag carrot



How:Use the @ sign when searching for social tags

Example: @stlarch

All of the results will have the @stlarch mention