New Leaders


About this page

This page is for leaders who are new in their leadership positions. I felt it was important to focus on new leaders because we have to create a foundation and guide on how to lead others. Too often when are promoted into leadership roles and not given any guidance or skills to lead people. On this site you will find tools and information to help you in your new journey as a leader. Welcome and congratulations on your new role. It will be challenging fulling and fun. I hope this information helps you as you grow and develop your career as a new leader.

Week 1


In week one we will discuss the difference between managing and leading and the challenges of being a new leader in the workplace.

Before you attend the session you will complete an assessment and some required reading.

In Week One We Will:

  1. Start first with an assessment to gauge our leaderships skills.
  2. Use the results of the assessment to help build a development plan for areas needed for improving these skills.
  3. Leave with work to be complete before attending next week session.

Please click on the Calendar to register.

Week 2


In Week Two We Will:

  1. Further build on what we discussed in week one.
  2. Discuss roles and responsibilites of a leader.
  3. Compare and contrast leadership styles of your peers and how to lead your team.
  4. Have a book discussion on key leadership lessons that we can apply in the workplace.
  5. Discuss how to find a mentor in your organization.
  6. Build action plans to further develop your leadership skills.

We will meet again in a month where we will further discuss the next leadership skill set.

Please click on the Calendar to register.


Link to New Leader Videos